By: Brent Greenberg
Hunter Rovere has been a goalie his entire life. At eight years old, he had the choice of either a short stick or goalie stick and he thought the goalie stick looked cooler so he chose it. Fast forward to 2018 and he will join dozens of other goalies in the All-Goalie Game at SFS Ohio.
The New Jersey native heard of the All-Goalie Game through social media since he followed Coach Petrella, the game’s organizer. Rovere’s roots in the veteran community run deep, as his grandfather, great uncle, and many family friends have served. Thomas Hyatt, Rovere’s grandfather, served in the US Navy and is a World War II veteran. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2014 and was buried at sea. Hyatt served most of his time during World War II in the Pacific on the USS Cohocton, USS Tappahannock, and USS Fred T. Berry. He has received numerous honors for his bravery in battle, including, the American Area Campaign Medal, European-African Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal. Harold White, his great uncle, passed away last year as a World War II veteran and a former prisoner of war while serving in the Army. Rovere plays in the Shootout for Soldiers in honor of his family.

Rovere plans on traveling back to Ohio for the second installment All-Goalie Game in SFS Ohio at Fortress Obetz. With the stress of recruiting and high school/club competition, Hunter enjoys the fun of playing lacrosse while giving back to our veterans. Playing for his grandfather, Hunter has already hit his original goal of $500 in the first week of fundraising and is already well over $1000 raised for the summer.
To donate to Hunter’s fundraising page, click here.