“A lacrosse [event] where everyone from different walks of life can come together to support our veterans in 24 hours.”- Chris McGovern, explaining Shootout For Soldiers in one, simple sentence.

McGovern has participated as both a coach and a fundraiser for SFS since its inception in 2012. For each of his club teams, McGovern proposes that each player should raise at least $100 outside of family and friends. McGovern wants to encourage them to go out into their community and spread awareness for both our mission statement and our military.
“I hope the kids on my teams learn the importance of giving back and how great of a country and military we have,” McGovern explained.

After taking a hiatus last summer due to a back surgery, McGovern is back in full swing hoping to raise $50,000 this summer. He is one of the most successful fundraisers in our organization’s history and offers some amazing tips for his fellow SFS participants:
Start early and go to the community – learn how to ask for what you want and explain what you are doing and why. Not only does this give you great people skills, but it really helps you connect with your community and the cause and helps the community connect to the cause!
Ask anyone and everyone to contribute – you never know who is willing to contribute to your cause when you don’t ask!
Use all your connections – this could be with your family, friends, school friends, teachers, coworkers, etc.
Create a flyer and email it – creating a custom flyer is a great way to show people your cause and explain your why and offering clickable links to donate to your team right away makes it easy!
Get donations per hour – if you plan on playing for more than a single hour or volunteering, ask to get donations for each hour your play/volunteer.

McGovern has a military background, as his father served and he has military connections through his company All Risks Ltd. All Risks Ltd hire decommissioning junior officers to help them transition to civilian life.
McGovern was the club coach for current Army West Point starting goalie AJ Barretto.
This year, McGovern hopes to, yet again, get through all 24 hours this summer. “[I’m] very excited to get back out there and play with every team, especially our vets, for 24 hours.” he said.
If you would like to donate to Chris’s SFS efforts – click HERE
To read our previous story on Chris, click HERE