By: Brent Greenberg
Angry Bear Lacrosse is back for their second Shootout for Soldiers event, coming back bigger than ever. Angry Bear has expanded with two teams participating in the Boston event. They have teamed up with the Keene High School Girls Lacrosse program to bring an Angry Bear- KHS Lax Ladies team.

Mikey Anger dove all in to the sport of lacrosse when he began playing two years ago for Keene Crush Lacrosse. Whether it was watching East Coast Dyes Lacrosse dying videos or Paul Rabil “Do One More” videos, Mikey aspired to create his own dyed heads. Mikey then, with the approval of his parents, created his first “Angry Bear” video and he took off.
Mikey hasn’t settled though. He’s now expanded from his YouTube page and started the Angry Bear Lacrosse Instagram page. Posting videos and pictures of his heads, handles, mesh, and anything related to lacrosse. Through Instagram, Mikey has become a brand ambassador for both Redline Lacrosse and Arc Lacrosse, as well as connected with many great people and companies in the lacrosse community such as True Lacrosse, East Coast Dyes, and Mogul Mesh just to name a few.
With the growth of his Instagram page, Mikey has begun to fundraise in an unconventional way. With gear. Angry Bear has partnered with many lax companies through social media to bring some fantastic prizes to the SFS-Boston Raffle this year. LumberLax has donated a wooden shaft with SFS and Angry Bear Lacrosse engraved in it, Arc Lacrosse is again donating a patriotic alloy shaft, Maverik Lacrosse has donated a number of fantastic lax items that we will also be bringing to the raffle to submit. They are also selling “SFS Support Shirts” tirelessly on their Instagram page to further the initiative. And lastly, in hopes of getting the entire team fundraising, Mike and Mikey are offering fundraising prizes to the top 3 fundraisers on both the Angry Bear boys and girls teams playing in SFS Boston.

Mikey’s connection to the United States is shown in his bedroom. He has American flag bedding, wall stickers, and even a poster of the Declaration of Independence on his wall. His father, Mike, is a graduate of Norwich University, a private military university in Vermont and served in the Army National Guard. He is also a veteran of the New Hampshire State Police. Both of his grandfathers served in the United States Navy during. His father says “[Mikey] has always fostered great pride in our country and those who serve to protect our freedom.”
Angry Bear Lacrosse raised over $2,900 for our veterans last year, including an extra $500 from raffle items, and has already matched that total this year. Mike and Mikey show the unique side of fundraising, offering raffle items and gear for sale to raise money. Some of the best ways to raise money are to be creative and being active on social media, something Angry Bear Lacrosse has mastered.
To buy one of the Angry Bear shooting shirts pictured above, click here.