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General Questions


So how does the event work? 

There are 24, 1-hour games in a row. Each team plays for an hour, and is a member of either Free or Brave- we inform you of whether you’re Free or Brave, as well as your timeslot, a few weeks before the event. The score is cumulative – last year Free topped Brave 214-210 in Long Island. A wide variety of activities go on at the event as well, so we encourage folks of all ages to come out and attend!

What do participants get?  Do we need to buy the jerseys? 

Each player gets a Shootout for Soldiers t-shirt as well as a few other smaller items from our partners and sponsor. As of 2021 each player will also receive a Jersey to keep, each year the Jersey’s are custom design by our merchandise team!

Registration Questions


So how does registration work?

Check out which has a step-by-step walkthrough.

What do participants get in addition to playing in the game? 

Every participant gets a Shootout for Soldiers t-shirt for the event as well as a few other items.

Do we get jerseys or do we have to buy them at the event?

As of 2021 each player will receive a jersey at the check-in tent. Additional Jerseys can be purchased at the merchandise tent.

If my team doesn’t raise $750 before the deadline, can we get our money back?

No, all donations are non-refundable. We will send plenty of reminders and helpers to help you fundraise. Reminder that the deadline for each event is a month beforehand (eg. Baltimore’s deadline is May 17th because the event is June 17th).

Can I sign up as an individual? If not, why?

No, there is only team registration this year. We moved to team registration only this year because of the shift in our registration setup. In addition, our all-volunteer staff couldn’t handle the needs associated with individual registration in addition to teams. While we understand that many people have done this in the past, including some of our biggest supporters, we just weren’t able to make it happen. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you are able to find a team to play with!

If I cannot attend the event, can I get a refund? 

No, all donations are non-refundable. As a non-profit we rely heavily on your donations and registration donation to put on the events and support our nation’s veterans.